Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Online Privacy Statement

Memphis Tours respects your privacy. This privacy statement informs you of the privacy practices we follow and the choices you can make regarding how your information is collected and used online.

This statement is available on our homepage and at the bottom of every Memphis Tours-affiliated web page.

1. Websites Covered by This Privacy Statement

Memphis Tours is an Egyptian joint stock company with legal entities, business procedures, and administrative structures applied in Egypt. This privacy statement applies to all websites and domains owned by Memphis and the websites and domains of its subsidiaries, except in cases where a privacy policy or privacy statement is published on Memphis websites and is dedicated to a specific programme or service, in which case one of them will be applied instead of this privacy statement.

2. Collection of Personal Information

To better serve you and understand your needs and interests, Memphis collects and uses your personal information, providing you with the appropriate notification and obtaining consent.

3. How We Use Your Information

The information collected by Memphis to understand your needs and interests helps Memphis provide offers and programmes suitable for each person.

4. Sharing Your Information

Memphis will not sell, rent, or lease your personal information to others, and the use of this information is limited to the execution of the services provided.

5. Your Choices and Privacy Preferences

Memphis provides you with the option to receive a variety of general email messages regarding the products and services we offer.

6. Maintaining the Security of Your Personal Information

Memphis values your trust in us. To prevent unauthorised access and disclosure, maintain data accuracy, and ensure appropriate use of information, Memphis employs physical, technical, and administrative procedures to protect the information we collect.

7. Changes to This Statement

If we make any changes to the privacy statement, we will publish the revised statement here with the latest revision date.

8. Contact us

If you have any comments or questions regarding the privacy statement, please send them via email to or send them to the Memphis Cairo branch at 34 Obour Buildings, Salah Salem Street, Cairo.

Welcome to Memphis Tours Website

This website uses cookies to improve your experience while visiting our website. These files include some details that improve the user experience, such as saving the preferred currency and also saving the data you search for on the site. For more, you can see Privacy Policy

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